Notice 울플러 계약 종료
안녕하세요. 아스펙트이엔티입니다.
아스펙트이엔티 소속 아티스트 울플러와의 전속계약이 만료됨을 알려드립니다.
지난 기간 동안 울플러와 함께한 모든 순간이 소중했으며, 아티스트의 성장과 활동을 위해 최선을 다해 지원해 온 것을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다.
울플러는 아스펙트이엔티와의 계약 종료 후, 새로운 도전을 위해 새로운 길을 걷게 될 예정입니다.
아티스트의 미래를 응원하며, 팬 여러분들의 변함없는 관심과 성원 부탁드립니다.
아스펙트이엔티는 앞으로도 다양한 아티스트와 함께 엔터테인먼트 산업에서 최선을 다하겠습니다.
감사합니다. 아스펙트이엔티 드림.
Hello, this is Aspekt Ent. We would like to inform you that our exclusive contract with our artist, Wolfler, has officially expired. Every moment we shared with Wolfler has been precious, and we take pride in having wholeheartedly supported the artist’s growth and activities during our time together. Following the conclusion of the contract, Wolfler will embark on a new path to take on new challenges. We sincerely support the artist’s future endeavors and kindly ask for the unwavering interest and support of the fans. Aspekt Ent will continue to dedicate itself to the entertainment industry alongside various talented artists. Thank you. Aspekt Ent
울플러 계약 종료
안녕하세요. 아스펙트이엔티입니다.
Hello, this is Aspekt Ent.
We would like to inform you that our exclusive contract with our artist, Wolfler, has officially expired.
Every moment we shared with Wolfler has been precious, and we take pride in having wholeheartedly supported the artist’s growth and activities during our time together.
Following the conclusion of the contract, Wolfler will embark on a new path to take on new challenges.
We sincerely support the artist’s future endeavors and kindly ask for the unwavering interest and support of the fans.
Aspekt Ent will continue to dedicate itself to the entertainment industry alongside various talented artists.
Thank you.
Aspekt Ent